Travel-time curve calculation for the Spherical Earth (PREM Model)

I have used the Preliminary Reference Earth Model of Dziewonski and Anderson (1981) to calculate the travel time curve. This model is very robust in the sense that it is designed to fit a wide variety of data including free-oscillation, surface wave dispersion observations, , travel time data for a number of body wave phases etc. To download the model, click here.

The travel time curve is the plot of first arrival time of a ray from source to receiver vs the epicentral distance (surface to surface) traveled. The sum of the time taken by the ray in each layer from the source to the receiver gives the total travel time. The ray path depends on the ray-parameter (which is constant for a laterally homogeneous, flat layers). Ray with different ray-parameter will propagate along different paths for a given earth model. For a normal velocity model (velocity increases with depth), smaller ray parameters will turn deeper in Earth and hence travel farther. The ray-parameter (p) varies along the travel time curve and is give by its slope at an instant.

I have taken two approach to calculate the travel time; first by modeling the earth using laterally homogeneous layers, and second by modeling using the velocity gradient. For details see Chapter 4, Shearer, 2009.

In the first case, I stack all the layers and the distance traveled by the ray is calculated by summing the travel time in each layer until the ray turns (which is decided by comparing slowness and ray-parameter value). When the slowness (reciprocal of velocity) of the layer is equal to the ray-parameter, the ray turns in that medium and then start traveling towards the surface. There is an inherent uncertainty associated with this method depending on the thickness and large number of the layer.

In different approach, we can parametrize the velocity model at a number of discrete points in depth and evaluate the distance and travel time by assuming an appropriate interpolation function between the model points. Here, for my calculation, I have considered the linear velocity gradient in the layer.

We have used the Earth-flattening transformation to calculate the travel-time for the spherical Earth. The curvature of the travel time curve in a spherical Earth can be simulated in a flat Earth model if a special velocity gradient is introduced in the half-space (Mu¨ller, 1971; Shearer, 2009).

The Earth-Flattening Transformation applied to the PREM Model

Fortran Program for layered earth model:

program comp_travel_time
 !Calculates the travel time data for a layered, flat earth for given layer thicknesses and velocities
 implicit none
 real, parameter :: pi = 2*asin(1.0), a=6371
 integer, parameter:: np=401
 real(kind=16), allocatable, dimension(:) :: delztmp, delz, slow, vel, eta, slowS, velS, etaS, utop, ubot, ustop, usbot
 real(kind=16) :: xx0, xx, tt0, tt, delz0, rr, pinit,pend, dp, xx0S, xxS, tt0S, ttS
 integer:: i,j,numl, nlyr
 real(kind=16), dimension(1:np) :: p
 character*11 :: file1 !name of the model file
 CHARACTER(len=32) :: arg1 !number of layers as argument
 CALL get_command_argument(1, arg1)
 read(arg1, '(I2)') numl
 allocate(delztmp(1:numl), delz(1:numl), slow(1:numl), vel(1:numl), eta(1:numl), &
 slowS(1:numl), velS(1:numl), etaS(1:numl),utop(1:numl), ubot(1:numl), ustop(1:numl), usbot(1:numl))

file1='ps_prem.dat' !model file name
 open(1,file=file1, status='old')
 do while (i .le. numl)
 read(1,*) delztmp(i), vel(i), velS(i) !layer thickness and vel from file
 call read_data(delztmp(i), vel(i), velS(i))
 end do
 do while(i .le. numl) !For flat Earth, calculate the layer thickness, and average velocity
 delz(j)=delztmp(i+1) - delztmp(i)
 !write(*,'(i2,3f12.2)') j, delz(j), vel(i), vel(i+1)
 end do
 nlyr=nlyr-1 !total number of layers

pinit=0.0017 !lower bound of ray parameter range
 pend=0.1128 !upper bound of ray parameter range
 !write(*,'(a,1x,a,1x,a,1x,a)') "p in s/km","X(p) in km","X(p) in degrees","Time in mins"
 do j=1,np
 p(j)=pinit + (j-1)*dp !ray paramter increasing by dp 
 !P-wave calculation
 do i=1,nlyr
 slow(i)=1/vel(i) !in s/km
 if (slow(i) .gt. p(j) .and. slow(i) .le. 100000) then
 call travel_time_calc(xx0,tt0,slow(i),p(j),delz(i),eta(i),xx,tt)
 end if
 !S- wave calculation
 if (slowS(i) .gt. p(j) .and. slowS(i) .le. 100000) then
 call travel_time_calc(xx0S,tt0S,slowS(i),p(j),delz(i),etaS(i),xxS,ttS)
 end if
 end do
 open(2, file='p_travel_time.dat')
 write(2,'(f12.4,1X,f12.2,1X,f12.3,1X,f12.2)') p(j), xx, xx*(360/(2*pi*a)), tt/60
 !write(*,'(f12.4,1X,f12.2,1X,f12.3,1X,f12.2)') p(j), xx, xx*(360/(2*pi*a)), tt/60

open(3, file='s_travel_time.dat')
 write(3,'(f12.4,1X,f12.2,1X,f12.3,1X,f12.2)') p(j), xxS, xxS*(360/(2*pi*a)), ttS/60
 !write(*,'(f12.4,1X,f12.2,1X,f12.3,1X,f12.2)') p(j), xxS, xxS*(360/(2*pi*a)), ttS/60
 end do
 deallocate(delztmp, delz, slow, vel, eta, slowS, velS, etaS) 
end program comp_travel_time


!reading the p, and s wave velocity, and depth from the model and convert it from spherical to flat earth
subroutine read_data(delztmp, vel, velS)
 real, parameter :: pi = 2*asin(1.0), a=6371
 real(kind=16):: delztmp, vel, velS
 real(kind=16) :: rr
 rr=a-delztmp !distance from the center of earth
 delztmp=-a*log(rr/a) !earth flattening transformation
 vel=(a/rr)*vel !earth flattening transformation for velocity
 velS=(a/rr)*velS !earth flattening transformation for shear velocity

!Calculation of surface to surface distance of source and receiver and the travel time of ray
subroutine travel_time_calc(xx0,tt0,slow,p,delz,eta,xx,tt)
 real(kind=16) :: eta,slow,p,xx,xx0,delz,tt,tt0
 eta=sqrt(slow**2 - p**2)


To compile and run this program:

rm -f $datafile *.exe
awk 'NR>2{print $1,$3,$4}' PREM_MODELorg.model > $datafile
if [ ! -f "$datafile" ]; then #When the velocity model is not provided
cat >$datafile<<eof
3 4 3
6 6 5
9 8 7

numl=`wc -l $datafile | awk '{print $1}'`
exect=`echo $prog | cut -d"." -f1` #execuatable

gfortran $prog -o ${exect}.exe 
if [ -f "${exect}.exe" ]; then
./${exect}.exe $numl #argument is the number of layers


For the velocity gradient model, the fortran program is below. For this case, I have made use of the LAYERXT subroutine based on Chris Chapman’s WKBJ Program.

program comp_travel_time_vel_grad
 !Calculates the travel time data for a layered, flat earth for given layer thicknesses and velocities
 implicit none
 real, parameter :: pi = 2*asin(1.0), a=6371
 integer, parameter:: np=501
 real(kind=16), allocatable, dimension(:) :: delztmp, delz, vel, velS, utop, ubot, ustop, usbot
 real(kind=16) :: rr, pinit,pend, dp, delz0, xx, tt, xxS, ttS, xx0,tt0, xx0S, tt0S
 integer:: i,j,numl, nlyr,irtr, irtrS
 real(kind=16), dimension(1:np) :: p
 character*12 :: file1 !name of the model file
 CHARACTER(len=32) :: arg1 !number of layers as argument
 CALL get_command_argument(1, arg1)
 read(arg1, '(I2)') numl
 allocate(delztmp(1:numl), delz(1:numl), vel(1:numl), &
 utop(1:numl), ubot(1:numl), ustop(1:numl), usbot(1:numl), velS(1:numl))

 file1='ps_prem.dat' !model file name
 open(1,file=file1, status='old')
 do while (i .le. numl)
 read(1,*) delztmp(i), vel(i), velS(i) !layer thickness and vel from file
 rr=a-delztmp(i) !distance from the center of earth
 delztmp(i)=-a*log(rr/a) !earth flattening transformation
 vel(i)=(a/rr)*vel(i) !earth flattening transformation for velocity
 velS(i)=(a/rr)*velS(i) !earth flattening transformation for shear velocity
 write(5,'(i2,3f12.2)') i, delztmp(i), vel(i), velS(i)
 end do
 do while(i .le. numl) !For flat Earth
 delz(j)=delztmp(i+1) - delztmp(i)
 !write(*,'(i2,3f12.2)') j, delz(j), vel(i), vel(i+1)
 end do
 nlyr=nlyr-1 !because of singularity at earth's center
 write(*,*) "size_delz", nlyr
 pinit=0.0017 !lower bound of ray parameter range
 pend=0.1128 !upper bound of ray parameter range
 do j=1,np
 p(j)=pinit + (j-1)*dp !ray paramter increasing by dp
 do i=1,nlyr
 if (irtr .ne. 2) then
 call layerxt(p(j),delz(i),utop(i),ubot(i),xx,tt,irtr)
 end if
 end do
 open(2, file='p_travel_time.dat')
 write(2,'(f12.4,1X,f12.2,1X,f12.3,1X,f12.2)') p(j), 2*xx, 2*xx*(360/(2*pi*a)), 2*tt/60
 !write(*,'(f12.4,1X,f12.2,1X,f12.3,1X,f12.2)') p(j), xx, xx*(360/(2*pi*a)), tt/60
 do i=1,nlyr
 if (ustop(i) .le. 100000 .and. usbot(i) .le. 100000) then
 if (irtrS .ne. 2) then
 call layerxt(p(j),delz(i),ustop(i),usbot(i),xxS,ttS,irtrS)
 end if
 end if
 end do
 open(3, file='s_travel_time.dat')
 write(3,'(f12.4,1X,f12.2,1X,f12.3,1X,f12.2)') p(j), 2*xxS, 2*xxS*(360/(2*pi*a)), 2*ttS/60
 !write(*,'(f12.4,1X,f12.2,1X,f12.3,1X,f12.2)') p(j), xxS, xxS*(360/(2*pi*a)), ttS/60
 end do
 write(*,'(a,1x,a,1x,a,1x,a)') "p in s/km","X(p) in km","X(p) in degrees","Time in mins"
 deallocate(delztmp, delz, vel, &
 utop, ubot, ustop, usbot, velS) 
end program comp_travel_time_vel_grad


! LAYERXT calculates dx and dt for a ray in a layer with a linear 
! velocity gradient. This is a highly modified version of a 
! subroutine in Chris Chapman's WKBJ program.
! Inputs: p = horizontal slowness
! h = layer thickness
! utop = slowness at top of layer
! ubot = slowness at bottom of layer
! Returns: dx = range offset
! dt = travel time
! irtr = return code
! = -1, zero thickness layer
! = 0, ray turned above layer
! = 1, ray passed through layer
! = 2, ray turned in layer, 1 leg counted in dx,dt
subroutine LAYERXT(p,h,utop,ubot,dx,dt,irtr)
 implicit none
 real(kind=16) :: p, h, utop, ubot,dx, dt, u1,u2,v1,v2,b,eta1,x1,tau1, &
 dtau,eta2, x2,tau2
 integer :: irtr
 if ( then !ray turned above layer
 else if (h.eq.0.) then !zero thickness layer
 end if

 b=(v2-v1)/h !slope of velocity gradient


if (b.eq.0.) then !constant velocity layer
 end if


if ( then !ray turned within layer,
 dx=x1 !no contribution to integral
 dtau=tau1 !from bottom point
 end if







In the travel-time curve, we can notice the general increase of travel time with delta. We can notice the large shadow zone around 100 degrees. This is because of the P wave transition from the solid mantle to the liquid core; which leads to sharp decrease in velocity. This is the low-velocity zone, where the rays are bent downward. So, no rays originating at the surface can turn within the LVZ. If the seismic rays originate inside the LVZ, it can never get trapped within the zone. If the seismic attenuation is lower in the LVZ layer, then the wave originated in it can propagate a long distance (Optical fiber cables work on the same principle).

X(p) curve for P-wave

In general, the epicentral distance increases as the p decreases. When the X increases with decreasing p, the branch of the travel time curve is prograde otherwise called retrograde. The retrograde branch can be observed occasionally because of the rapid velocity transition in the Earth. The point of change from prograde to retrograde is called caustics; where X value does not change with p. At this point, the energy is focussed since the rays with different p values (or take off angles) arrive at same range(X). We can also notice in the above X(p) curve that there is sharp change in X around 0.02 and 0.04. Around 0.02, the slope is positive, which could be because of the rapid velocity transition in Earth. Since, for lower p value, the ray travels deeper; this could be the inner core boundary (ICB). This is because at ICB, the P-wave velocity increases drastically.  At point 0.04, the slope is large negative; which could be the core-mantle boundary.

  • Utpal Kumar (IES, Academia Sinica)

Travel time curve calculation for spherical, isotropic, homogeneous Earth model

A travel time curve is a graph of the time it takes a seismic ray to reach the station from an earthquake versus the distance of the earthquake to the station (epicentral distance).

Here, we calculate the travel time curve for a spherically homogeneous Earth. This means the seismic velocity is constant for the whole earth. We have considered the three cases,

  1. When the seismic ray travel through the body from the surface event to the station (body waves).
  2. When the seismic ray for a deeper event (300 km depth) reaches the station.

Fortran code for calculation of the Model:

program travel_time_calc
    !Program to calculate seismic travel times in a spherical, homogeneous Earth.
    implicit none
    real, parameter :: pi = 2*asin(1.0), R = 6371    ! radius of Earth (km
    real :: V, xx, h1, h, dx
    integer, parameter :: n = 89
    integer :: i
    real(kind=16), allocatable, dimension(:) :: x, xrad, Di, Ti, Tim, Dhi, Thi, Thim

    V = 12;        ! assumed constant seismic wave velocity (km/s)
    dx=2 !increment
     allocate(x(0:n),xrad(0:n),Di(0:n),Ti(0:n),Tim(0:n),Dhi(0:n),Thi(0:n),Thim(0:n)) !allocating the size of the arrays
    write(*,*) "Distance (in degrees)", "  ","T-time surface (in mins)", "  ", "T-time interior (in mins)"
    do i=0,n !do loop
        x(i) = xx + dx    !distance
        xrad(i) = x(i)*pi/180 ! convert degrees to radians
        !Path along the body
        Di(i) = 2*R*sin(0.5*xrad(i))    ! distance of the surface event along the body in km
        Ti(i) = Di(i)/V               ! travel time in seconds
        Tim(i) = Ti(i)/60             ! travel time in minutes
        !For deeper events (300 km)
        Dhi(i) = sqrt(R**2 + h**2 - 2*R*h*cos(xrad(i)))    !distance of the interior events in km
        Thi(i) = Dhi(i)/V                ! travel time in seconds
        Thim(i)= Thi(i)/60                ! travel time in minutes

         write(1,10) x(i), Tim(i), Thim(i) !printing output on the terminal
         write(*,10) x(i), Tim(i), Thim(i) !printing output on the terminal
        xx = x(i)
     end do
    10 format(f7.2, "  ",f8.4, "  ",f8.4)
    deallocate(x, xrad, Di, Ti, Tim, Dhi, Thi, Thim) ! deallocates the array
end program travel_time_calc

For the above program, we have considered the Earth to be isotropic and homogeneous with constant velocity of 12 km/s. Then we parameterize for 89 events each with 2 degrees interval from 2 to 180 degrees. The radius of the earth is assumed to be 6371 km.

For compiling and plotting (bash script):


gfortran -ffree-form travel_time_calc.f -o travel_time_calc

gnuplot << EOF
set terminal postscript color solid #terminal type
set title 'Travel Time Curve' #figure title
set xlabel 'Delta (in degrees)' #xlabel
set ylabel 'Travel Time (in mins)' #ylabel
set output '' #output fig name
set grid #grid
plot [:] [:] "Tcalc.dat" using 1:2 title "Calculated body waves travel time (surface event)" with lines lc rgb "blue", \
    "Tcalc.dat" using 1:3 title "Calculated body wave travel time (300 km deep event)" with lines lc rgb "red"


– Utpal Kumar (IES, Academia Sinica)

Understanding Seismograms

Seismograms are basic information about earthquakes, chemical and nuclear explosions, mining induced earthquakes, rock bursts and other events generating seismic waves.

Seismograms reflect the combined influence of the seismic source, the propagation paths, the frequency response of the recording instrument and the ambient noise at the recording site.

u(t) = s(t)*g(t)*i(t)*n(t).         “*” means convolution.

where, u is the seismic record, s is the source effect, g is the propagation effect, i is the instrument effect and n is the noise.

So, by understanding seismogram we can understand the seismic source, earth structure, and the noise in the medium.

This is our short attempt to understand the seismograms.

Understanding Seismograms 1

For understanding the seismogram, there are two main things we should notice- record duration and the dispersion. Due to different nature of the propagation velocity of the seismic waves and the different propagation paths taken by them to the station, travel time differences between the main group usually grows with distance. Since the body wave groups do not disperses, so their individual duration remains more or less constant, only the time difference between them changes with distance.


Figure 1: Event-Station Distribution map for the event in Mindanao, Phillipines Island (2005-02-05, Mw-7). The source is 540 km deep.


Figure 2


Figure 3


Figure 4

The epicentral distance for QIZ, BJT and DGAR is ~ 19, 35, 52 degrees respectively. For the station BJT (Figure 3), the epicentral distance is 35.2 degrees and for the station DGAR (Figure 4), the epicentral distance is 52.4 degrees. The P-S arrival times for the station BJT is nearly 300 sec and for the station DGAR, the P-S arrival time is nearly 400 sec. For the station QIZ, it is only around 200 sec. So, with the increase in epicentral distance, the difference in individual phase arrival increases. Also for the station DGAR, the P arrival is later than the BJT.

The time difference between main body wave onsets is:

Distance (degrees) less than

Time-difference in body wave onsets (P-S) in sec



60 (Fig 1,2,3)







Figure 5 : Travel-Time curve for depth 540 km

For the deep events, we do not see the first arrival as P wave (Figure 6) for short distances (D


Figure 6

Figure 6, is the seismogram at 2 degrees epicentral distance from the deep source. Here, we can notice that the first arrival is not P but the core reflected phase PcP. It is also cevident from the travel time curve(Figure 5).


Figure 7: Event-Station Distribution Map of Near Coast of Peru (2001-06-23, Mw-8.3). The source is at 2 km depth.

When the source is near the surface then we observe the surface waves as well in the seismogram.The surface waves from earthquakes at intermediate (> 70 km) or great depth (> 300 km) may have amplitudes smaller than those of body waves or may not even be detected on seismic records.

In contrast to the body waves, the velocity of surface waves is frequency dependent and hence it is dispersed. The duration of Love and Rayleigh waves increases with distance. As for station NNA (Figure 8), the duration of the first group of Rayleigh wave is about 230 seconds and for station HKT (Figure 9), the duration is around 600 seconds.

We can also notice that for shallower earthquake event, P-wave is the first arrival for stations less than 10 degrees of the source (Figure 10).


Figure 8

In Figure 8, we can notice that for surface waves, the largers periods arrive first than the lowers periods. This is the general case for normal layering. The larger periods sample the higher depths and since the velocity for higher depths is larger so it arrives before the shorter period waves.


Figure 9

In figure 9, for the surface waves, we can observe the wave groups or the beating effect (analogous to acoustics). This is because of the interference of the two or more harmonic waves with closer frequencies or periods.


Figure 10: Travel time curve for depth 2.2km

For certain distance ranges, the travel time curves for different types of seismic phases are close to each other or can even overlap (Figure 5,11).





 Figure 11: S, SKS and ScS are very close to each other.

The amplitude of P-wave depends not only on the epicentral distance but on the site effect (underground geology and crustal heterogeneity), azimuth etc.

The most obvious indication on a seismogram that a large earthquake has a deep focus is the small amplitude of the surface waves with respect to the body-wave amplitudes and the P and S waveforms often have impulsive onsets.

A more precise determination of the depth h of a seismic source, however, requires either the availability of a seismic network with at least one station being very near to the source, e.g., at an epicentral distance D < h (because only in the near range the travel time t(D, h) of the direct P wave varies strongly with source depth h), or the identification of seismic depthphases on the seismic record.

At distant seismograph stations, the depth phases pP or sP follow the direct P wave by a time interval that changes only slowly with distance but rapidly with depth.

Continue reading Understanding Seismograms